Beginners Guide for using Retinol

Retinol is one of the best ingredients when it comes to anti-aging that’s why many women really love this ingredient. Though retinol may cause peeling, redness, and irritation on your skin that’s why it is not suitable for everyone, especially for those who have a sensitive type of skin.

First, What is a Retinol?

Retinol is a low-grade Vitamin A that you can buy over the counter. It helps you with different skin issues such as acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles. It also improves skin hydration, increases collagen production which supports cell turnover and skin elasticity.
Knowing the Retinol’s benefits makes you want to use it, right? However, it may cause some side effects on your skin if you used too much of it. Retinol can be used on all types of skin but those who have sensitive skin should be extra cautious.

Here’s a guide on how to properly incorporate a Retinol into your Skin Care Routine.

Prepare your skin
Using both ceramides and niacinamides cream will help you to prepare your skin for Retinol. Before using a Retinol make sure to strengthen your skin barrier for 2 weeks so do not use stripping cleansers and all forms of exfoliation.
Start Slow and Low
Experts say that Retinol should be used consistently, however, if it is your first time using Retinol plus whatever skin type you are or have a sensitive type of skin don’t pressure yourself of using it on a daily basis.
Use Retinol once a week and if it doesn't cause any skin irritation then make it twice a week then observe then increase the number until your skin is ready to use it daily.
Always Check the Percentage
It doesn’t mean that you are increasing the number of using a Retinol on your skin means you have to increase the percentage too. A low percentage of retinol can do the work, it takes time but it is much safer for your skin, start with 0.025 % Retinol then you can increase it until 0.5% Retinol which is enough for your skin.
Don’t Use Too Much Retinol
According to dermatologists, a pea-sized amount is enough for your whole face. You don’t have to use too much as it does not cause any good and may just cause skin irritation.
Avoid Sensitive Area
Such as the area around the eyes, in the creases of the nose, and on the neck and chest. They call these areas Hotspots which are really sensitive that when a Retinol touch it may cause redness, irritation, or a burning sensation.
Remember that Retinol is not for all people, according to experts it takes up to 3 weeks for the skin to adjust with Retinol so for the first 3 weeks of use, it is normal for your skin to be irritated at some point. Always observe how your skin reacts to it, if using retinol more than once a week causes a little bit of redness and peeling than usual, don’t push it and always go back to once a week use.
Now, if using Retinol once a week still cause your skin a burning sensation, redness, and irritation know that it’s time for you to stop and that Retinol is not for you. You can use other alternatives for Retinol and make sure to consult your trusted dermatologist about those options.