Is It Psoriasis or Dandruff?

If your scalp itches and flakes, your doctor can detect if it's just dandruff or something more serious like psoriasis, a skin disease marked by red, scaly spots. You can treat the reason and gain some relief after you have the correct diagnosis.

Psoriasis is most commonly found on the arms, back, neck, legs. And that includes the scalp. Patches of thick, raised skin characterize scalp psoriasis. These regions are often red and scaly on fair-skinned people, but psoriasis on darker skin might appear violet or dark brown.

When it first appears, scalp psoriasis is frequently mistaken for seborrheic dermatitis (aka dandruff). Dandruff is a flaky, itchy scalp that does not appear to be inflamed such as discoloration or swelling.

What is Dandruff?

Dandruff is usually not a serious condition. You can't acquire it from someone else or pass it to someone else. However, it can be inconvenient or embarrassing. Without a prescription, dandruff can be treated at home.

Dandruff is a very prevalent skin condition. Flakes that fall from your scalp and settle on your clothing may be noticed. It's possible that your scalp will itch as well.

What Is Scalp Psoriasis?

There are few differences between Psoriasis and Dandruff; It has the potential to spread. Patches of psoriasis can spread from your hairline to your forehead, back of your neck, and the area surrounding your ears. Psoriasis patches may also appear on other regions of your body, such as your elbows, legs, feet, hands, or back.

It's a type of autoimmune disorder. Psoriasis is caused by your body's immune system, which causes white blood cells to attack your skin cells instead of fighting illnesses.

Your doctor might be able to figure out what's causing your scalp flaking or itching just by looking at your symptoms. To be sure, they may inspect a small patch of skin on your scalp under a microscope or send it to a lab.


To cure minor dandruff, use a regular, mild shampoo if your scalp is greasy or oily.

There are dandruff remedies available if this doesn't work. All of these compounds, as well as zinc pyrithione, coal tar, salicylic acid, selenium sulfide, and ketoconazole, could be used. Tea tree oil can also be used to treat dandruff. Make sure to follow the directions on the shampoo bottle.

Your doctor or pharmacist can advise you on the best shampoo to use. You can get a prescription dandruff treatment if over-the-counter products don't help your itching and flaking.