Nail 101: The Importance of Taking Care of Them

Now that almost everyone is stuck at home, people start to notice the little things including stuff about themselves. There’s a heightened concern about several body parts that are often neglected in the daily because of a fast-paced lifestyle. And we’re discussing one of them here.

Ever wondered what nails are for? How important are they in our bodies and lives? And what are several ways of keeping them healthy all throughout without spending too much time or effort on them? Here are some of your questions answered.


The simplest way to explain the function of nails is this: it’s a layer that shields the inner tissues from external pathogens and possible infections. Without nails, our vulnerable fingers and toes can easily trap dirt and bacteria that can cause diseases and ultimately deteriorate general health. In short, these little shields protect our fragile layer of tissues and nerve endings at the tip of every toe and finger.

This is no wonder that dermatologists and skin doctors spend enough time in studying issues that can arise on nails. And that many products are developed to maintain nail health. Remember, nail health also equals to the health of our fingers and toes.


Nails, as part of the human body and being closely attached to the skin, can also get infected. One common dilemma is caused by fungal infections. Cases may vary from mild to severe, depending on various factors. However, there’s no need to worry about that as some products and services are readily available to treat this condition.


Some patients of fungal infections can directly go to their doctors and dermatologists’ clinic to avail of different kinds of treatments for their condition. But if you feel that you’re most comfortable at doing things at home or going for methods that won’t require much time and effort, several alternative methods also exist.

For instance, nail fungal creams and ointments can be applied directly on the infection to help stop the growth and spread. It may take several days or even weeks to observe changes. But they help quite a lot in maintaining the situation to a good level, eventually speeding up the healing and recovery processes.


As always, keeping nails healthy before they go bad is the best way. There are several practices in doing so, with the top being attentive to what you eat and drink. As the old adage goes, inner nourishment translates to the healthy appearance of the outside. Make sure you eat healthy food, and not just junk food that you binge on. Plus, drink adequate water daily.

Secondly, avoid applying products that may heavily damage the top layer of your nails. These may include corrosive and harsh chemicals found in acetone nail polish remover. It may also help to give your nails some time to breathe in between polish applications.

Lastly, be careful not to expose them to surfaces that can introduce bacteria especially when your nails are damaged or when the soft tissue underneath is exposed. It can be a rich breeding ground for bacteria. Pay attention as well that you do not dehydrate or dry up your nails as it can be prone to infection.


Now that we know that nails are important on the body, the next time you get busy, always find time to check how your nails are doing. Keeping a small part of the body healthy is already service enough in protecting your general health.