Skincare tips for Long Haul Flights

Now that other countries' borders are slowly opening for tourists you might want to start traveling again to see beautiful sceneries with your family and friends. Sometimes, the destination that we were head to is for Long Flights.
So, of course, even if we're going on a long flight we have to make sure that our skin is taken good care of.
Before your flight:
You have to hydrate within, so make sure to drink water before boarding your flight because the more moisture you have within the more hydrated your skin will be, and also hydrate your skin by applying hydrating cream. Avoid drinking coffee as this can be a cause of dehydration.
Of course, before your flight, take a shower and do your complete skincare routine– most importantly do not forget to apply sunscreen on your skin.
During your Flight
Bring a Face mask sheet with you
Applying a face mask sheet is a good way to give your skin nourishment while on a flight since you cannot do all the skincare routine that you do at home while on a flight. Make sure to choose a face mask sheet that has the right ingredients for your skin type.
Face Mist
If you feel like your skin is drying out during the flight, grab a facial mist to keep your skin hydrated. You can spray a face mist after you take a nap or if you feel like your skin needed it.
Use Micellar Water in Cleansing your skin
For your convenience and if you feel like water in the airport or plane is a bit off it is best to have micellar water that is ready and handy. You can clean your face once it is needed especially if it is oily already, and you have to cleanse your skin before applying the face mask sheet.
After your Flight:
Once you reached your hotel make sure to cleanse your face with a gentle facial wash do your skincare routine and apply sunscreen. Remember, not to try any other products while you’re on a vacation because it may cause a breakout.
Long haul flight can be a drag for your skin because your skin can either be super dry or super oily and you may also experience breakout because of this, so be sure to follow this tips to save your skin during long flights!