The Causes of Dry Feet and How to Treat them!
When it comes to skincare, our feet are frequently left behind, wrapped in socks for most of the year, covered up, and forgotten which our feet don’t deserve because they take us to beautiful places! So it’s about time to give your feet a lot of attention too
Do you want to know why your feet are dry? Actually, there are 4 reasons as to why your feet gets dry
Exposure- Your sandals are adorable, but they expose your feet to the outdoors.
Water- Did you know that water may dry out your skin, thus investing in a decent foot moisturizer is essential
Sweating- Sweating is a key source of moisture loss and dryness. After exercising, don't forget to cleanse and restore moisture.
Shoes- The wrong shoes can cause blisters and calloused feet.
Your routine- Using the wrong foot care products can cause severe skin irritation.
Dry areas, especially on the heels, can become thick and brittle with time. Cracked heels allow infection to enter the foot, while huge calluses make walking difficult or unpleasant.
Do you have any cracked heels and some products that didn’t work for you? Then we have something that you might want to try!
1 tablespoon Listerine, 14 tablespoons white vinegar, and 1 cup warm water2 chamomile teacups, 2 tbsp warm water and 3 tbsp baking soda
Soak for around 10-15 minutes. Use a pumice stone or a callus remover to remove the dead skin. Moisturize thoroughly with Vaseline, Cerave, lubiderm, and amlactin. Then, place/sleep in a thick sock
On the other hand, caring for your feet does not have to be a chore! Consider it an opportunity to enjoy some special "me-time" as part of your normal skincare routine.
Check to see whether it's an infection, dermatitis, or another skin issue. If they do not work, consult a doctor.